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Jim Heininger is founder and principal of Dixon|James, the firm he opened in 2010 after 25 years of agency and corporate communications experience.

Top clients represented: McDonald’s, P&G, Anheuser-Busch, Lions Clubs, Motorola, Wendy’s

Proudest professional achievement: CIPRA Award for industry’s most creative work of the year, a program for Rand McNally putting a young boy’s grandparent’s town on the map. Best of Show award after only five years in the business!

Years of experience: 30

Most bizarre career experience: Representing the leading restroom infection control company.

Greatest advice you’ve ever received: Do on to others…..

Favorite brand: Gatorade

Most memorable childhood experience: Not a good one, knocking my front tooth out on a swing in fourth grade

Favorite vacation destination: Anyplace with a beach and lots of sunshine

Ideal Sunday schedule: Homemade breakfast, church, family outing, great workout, read Sunday newspaper, check in with Mom

Little known talent: Throw a mean cartwheel

Click on the image to see Jim's recent interview of BizCast.

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